geee,, lame nye ta post kat sini .. walupun tade yg membace .. tp nak tulis juge .. assalamualaikum.. well , the journey for me as a student had just end. it's quite sad to leave SIGS but time will not wait for us to be EMO. Spm?? fiuuhh.. i don't think i will get straight A's, but who knows? geee gee ..
when i'm still studying at school.. i always thinking about having time for myself , u know? like just sitting at home , watching tv , browsing , playing with my cats , bla bla. .. now,, i'm doing all that but i feel something missing in me..
only then i realised that i don't have my lovely friends next to me.. seriously, i REALLY miss my friends.. friends are everything to me. brr.. sad ..
since yesterday i've been making friends with my bed, my laptop , my phone , my couch , the curtain and all that i can find in my house.. haha ..
ok i think that's it.. bye 4 know . . =)
sorry Wan, gmba kau tade .. haha =))